Importance of stability and texture of beverages

Importance of stability and texture of beverages

In order to measure texture, a viscosity measurement is often referred to. Viscosity, however, describes only one characteristic of the product as it is measured at a given shear rate. Texture is, on the other hand, a very wide term which covers a lot of rheological properties and sensory captions. Texture covers the appearance and sensation when drinking the beverage:

• appearance when pouring;

•coating  on the bottle;

• first mouth sensation;

• coating of the mouth;

• residual perception.

Stabilisation is a very wide term which relates to many different, complex biophysicochemical mechanisms. Generally, a stabilized beverage is a homogeneous and smooth beverage. Depending on the beverage formulation and final functionalities targeted, stabilization can be defined as follows:

Particle stabilisation: The particles such as pulps, cacao particles and minerals are evenly suspended throughout the beverage.

Emulsion stabilization: There is no oil or fat ring on the top of the beverage container or bottle.

Protein stabilization:

  • the proteins contained in the beverage have not flocculated, nor become sediment;
  • the beverage exhibits a smooth mouth feel.

Stabilization of the texture, often including the functionalities mentioned above. The viscosity and appearance is homogeneous throughout the beverage, meaning

  • no gel points, or lumps;
  • no flocculation;
  • no phase separation;
  • no viscosity gradient;
  • no layer formation;
  • no clarification.

Each parameter that was mentioned above is extremely important in beverage development process.

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